Do floral e frutado ao almiscarado e doce, a fragrância é o que nos torna únicos. Quer sejas uma ávida colecionadora de aromas ou prefiras ter o teu único perfume exclusivo, é crucial que aproveites ao máximo os teus eau de parfume, eau de toilette e eau de cologne. Por isso, reuni 5 maneiras simples de aprimorares o teu kit de fragrâncias que podem ser facilmente incorporadas à tua rotina.
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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Beauty. Mostrar todas as mensagens
Dermatologistas de todo o mundo podem ficar inquietos apenas com o título deste artigo, mas sabemos que ir à academia com o rosto nu, simplesmente não é a sua realidade. Embora a melhor coisa que possas fazer pela tua pele devido à transpiração é mantê-la sem cremes e maquilhagem, se tu és uma das mulheres que não dispensa maquilhar-se, algumas dicas podem ser cruciais para que mantenhas uma pele saudável sem teres que sacrificar o teu visual de ginásio "Acordei assim".
Após os excessos de verão, muitos são os que pretendem melhorias na sua dieta. Quando se trata de ser ecologicamente corretos, há quem não perceba que existem mudanças fáceis que podemos fazer com os nossos cuidados com a pele. Reuni as minhas cinco principais dicas para tornares a tua rotina de beleza mais sustentável, em conjunto com os milhares de outros benefícios para nós e para o planeta. E claro...menos poluição é sinónimo de uma pele mais saudável.
One of the most searched for ingredients in skincare, most of us have heard of retinol. However, despite seeing it everywhere you go, both online and in store, and possibly even having used it already, not many of us are sure what it does, when we should use it and why. We’re hear to give some clarity on this skin clearing superstar so that you can properly incorporate retinol into your routinol?
What is Retinol?
Predominantly made up of Vitamin A, retinol is a type of Retinoid that is available over the counter and in our skincare products. Retinoids work by helping to stimulate cell turnover, helping the skin to product collagen at a healthy rate which keeps skin renewed, plump and youthful, helping to prevent and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. They also can be effective in treating acne and blemishes, helping to clear pores and regenerating cells to reveal healthy skin.
What does Retinol do for your skin?
Because of its ability to encourage cell turnover, retinol is one of the best ingredients you can use for rejuvenating the skin; this in turn helps generate a multitude of benefits targeted towards all major skin concerns such as
Anti-ageing – retinol helps the skin create new cells to refresh the complexion to leave you with a plumper and smoother visage.
Acne & blocked pores – retinol helps un-block pores and repair blemishes to eliminate acne, blackheads and whiteheads.
Scarring – the cell turnover encourages healthy, un-scarred skin to replace the scarring which retinol will help to fade.
Uneven skin tone – retinol can help to remove unwanted uneven patches of skin.
Dull skin – new, young skin means brighter and glowing skin.
When to use Retinol
Retinol should always be used at night and never in the morning. This is because it exposes new layers of the skin which are more sensitive to sun damage which can in turn do more damage than good. Use your retinol product after a gentle cleanser in the evening and before moisturising. If you have particularly sensitive skin, use a serum or moisturiser before your retinol to keep it hydrated and reduce irritation. Whether you’ve used retinol or not, it is advised you should wear SPF every day, however it is particularly important to make sure you apply at least factor 15 the morning after using your retinol product as your skin will be more sensitive to UV rays.
How long does it take for Retinol to take effect?
It can take anywhere between four to six weeks for you to start seeing the benefits of using retinol. Though you may see an initial glow after using for a few days, the real anti-ageing and skin clarifying benefits require a little more patience and can taken up to four months for the complexion to be fully improved. Therefore it’s important to keep using your retinol on a regular basis, working up to a stronger percentage based on your sensitivity levels to see an even bigger improvement.
What are the side effects of Retinol?
As retinol is an incredibly potent and effective ingredient, it does come with some side effects, including dryness, redness and irritation. This can indicate that it is doing its job, however monitor the level of sensitivity that you see and reduce the percentage of retinol you are using accordingly to make sure that you aren’t over-powering your skin. Because of the sensitivity that retinol creates, it’s advised that you don’t use strong acids or peels a the same time to avoid damaging the skin. As mentioned earlier, if you are experiencing irritation with using retinol, try applying a lightweight moisturiser before your retinol to act as a buffer on the skin.
Who should use Retinol?
Though retinol is a powerful anti-ager, it’s all about prevention when it comes to wrinkles. Therefore it’s recommended that you start using retinol in your mid-twenties, when those pesky crows feet often start to appear, to stop them in their tracks. However, if you are using retinol for acne, you may want to start earlier (note that it is not suitable for children).
Due to the side effects it can cause, retinol often isn’t recommended for those with extremely sensitive skin or anyone who suffers from a sensitive skin condition such as eczema or rosacea. Instead, try using a more gentle ingredient such as Bakuchiol, which also has effective anti-ageing properties. Find out more about Bakuchiol here.
Shop all retinol products on LOOKFANTASTIC here.
Predominantly made up of Vitamin A, retinol is a type of Retinoid that is available over the counter and in our skincare products. Retinoids work by helping to stimulate cell turnover, helping the skin to product collagen at a healthy rate which keeps skin renewed, plump and youthful, helping to prevent and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. They also can be effective in treating acne and blemishes, helping to clear pores and regenerating cells to reveal healthy skin.
What does Retinol do for your skin?
Because of its ability to encourage cell turnover, retinol is one of the best ingredients you can use for rejuvenating the skin; this in turn helps generate a multitude of benefits targeted towards all major skin concerns such as
Anti-ageing – retinol helps the skin create new cells to refresh the complexion to leave you with a plumper and smoother visage.
Acne & blocked pores – retinol helps un-block pores and repair blemishes to eliminate acne, blackheads and whiteheads.
Scarring – the cell turnover encourages healthy, un-scarred skin to replace the scarring which retinol will help to fade.
Uneven skin tone – retinol can help to remove unwanted uneven patches of skin.
Dull skin – new, young skin means brighter and glowing skin.
When to use Retinol
Retinol should always be used at night and never in the morning. This is because it exposes new layers of the skin which are more sensitive to sun damage which can in turn do more damage than good. Use your retinol product after a gentle cleanser in the evening and before moisturising. If you have particularly sensitive skin, use a serum or moisturiser before your retinol to keep it hydrated and reduce irritation. Whether you’ve used retinol or not, it is advised you should wear SPF every day, however it is particularly important to make sure you apply at least factor 15 the morning after using your retinol product as your skin will be more sensitive to UV rays.
How long does it take for Retinol to take effect?
It can take anywhere between four to six weeks for you to start seeing the benefits of using retinol. Though you may see an initial glow after using for a few days, the real anti-ageing and skin clarifying benefits require a little more patience and can taken up to four months for the complexion to be fully improved. Therefore it’s important to keep using your retinol on a regular basis, working up to a stronger percentage based on your sensitivity levels to see an even bigger improvement.
What are the side effects of Retinol?
As retinol is an incredibly potent and effective ingredient, it does come with some side effects, including dryness, redness and irritation. This can indicate that it is doing its job, however monitor the level of sensitivity that you see and reduce the percentage of retinol you are using accordingly to make sure that you aren’t over-powering your skin. Because of the sensitivity that retinol creates, it’s advised that you don’t use strong acids or peels a the same time to avoid damaging the skin. As mentioned earlier, if you are experiencing irritation with using retinol, try applying a lightweight moisturiser before your retinol to act as a buffer on the skin.
Who should use Retinol?
Though retinol is a powerful anti-ager, it’s all about prevention when it comes to wrinkles. Therefore it’s recommended that you start using retinol in your mid-twenties, when those pesky crows feet often start to appear, to stop them in their tracks. However, if you are using retinol for acne, you may want to start earlier (note that it is not suitable for children).
Due to the side effects it can cause, retinol often isn’t recommended for those with extremely sensitive skin or anyone who suffers from a sensitive skin condition such as eczema or rosacea. Instead, try using a more gentle ingredient such as Bakuchiol, which also has effective anti-ageing properties. Find out more about Bakuchiol here.
Shop all retinol products on LOOKFANTASTIC here.
Spending most of their time hidden away, our feet are easy to ignore during the winter. Not spending much time in the limelight, we often neglect them and they can easily become dry, cracked and even prone to blisters (especially after enduring your favourite heels on a long night out). However, when it hits summer and the open toe heels and sandals come out of our wardrobes, no little piggies get to stay at home and we are forced to face the effect of countless hours spent walking, running or dancing with no repair. No need to panic! We have the 6 simple steps for an at home pedicure that will leave your feet pampered, polished and poolside ready when the time comes as well as some top tips from Essie’s Global Lead Educator, Rita Remark!
Formulada com ingredientes essenciais tais como vitaminas e vegetais nutritivos, a linha expandida permite que desfrutes de uma rotina de cuidados com a pele brilhante e sem esforço. Esta coleção foi projetada para todos os produtos serem usados juntos, para um resultado ainda de maior "power".
Tudo começa com o Glow Tonic Cleansing Gel (aqui), o primeiro passo numa brilhante rotina diária de cuidados com a pele. Este gel de limpeza facial purifica e hidrata a pele, mantendo a humidade permitindo reduzir a desidratação da pele.
O próximo passo é tonificar a pele com Glow Tonic (aqui), um tónico facial esfoliante que refina a aparência dos poros e remove as impurezas da pele. Usa de seguida o tónico Glow Tonic com o Glow Tonic Serum (aqui). Este soro restaurador de brilho apresenta uma fórmula leve que esfolia e nutre suavemente, proporcionando hidratação essencial para uma pele suave e equilibrada.
Depois da tua pele estar limpa, esfoliada e nutrida, é hora de concentrares os teus esforços na hidratação perfeita que a Pixi proporciona. É aqui que começas a utilizar o pHenomenal Gel Neutralizing Moisturiser (aqui), que é diferente de qualquer hidratante facial que já tenhas experimentado. Em vez de um creme pesado, literalmente tocas em um gel calmante (e de formula exclusiva) que cumpre o dever triplo. Não apenas hidrata a pele e deixa a pele macia e suave ao toque, mas também tonifica a pele, equilibrando os níveis naturais de pH.
Precisas de um impulso extra de hidratação durante o dia? Conhece o On-the-Glow Moisturizing Stick (aqui), ideal para viagens. Podes usar este essencial para melhorar o brilho da pele, como um hidratante multiuso no rosto, lábios, corpo e cabelo, conforme necessário durante o dia, desde a tua rotina matinal até à rotina noturna.
Estas necessidades ajudam-te a equilibrar, curar e acalmar a pele, enquanto acelera suavemente a renovação de pele para criar uma aparência saudável e brilhante. Os ingredientes mostram facilmente como: o ácido glicólico é usado para clarear a pele e proporcionar uma esfoliação suave. O ginseng é infundido nesses itens essenciais para revigorar a pele e melhorar a circulação, o que leva a uma melhor saúde da pele.
O Aloe Vera proporciona hidratação calmante, enquanto a vitamina D2 protege a pele dos danos causados pelo sol. Extrato de castanha da Índia também é infundido para tonificar a pele enquanto irrita suavemente. A combinação desses ingredientes deixa a tua pele energizada, suave, luminosa, hidratada e, é claro, uma pele Pixi perfeita.